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Mulch and Aeration Contractor Serving Saskatoon and Area

Mulching and aeration provide much needed support to your outdoor plants. Depending on your soil type, these techniques can help your trees and shrubs breath easier, regulate their water needs, and increase the vigor of root systems. If you haven't thought about mulching or aeration in the past, its time to give us a call and see how much the little things can do for your yard!

What is mulch?

​This is described as any material laid on top of soil. But most of us know it as wood chips, leaves and other organic material mixed together. This layer of essentially nutrients, not only provides much needed food for the plants, but also helps keep weeds down, helps control moisture levels around the plants, and can improve the fertility and overall health of the soil.

​Today, mulch comes in a variety of materials and colours, so there are a few things to think about when deciding what to do. That's where our team comes in. We analyze your soil, and help determine your trees needs. We can take the stress out of decision making process, and make your yard look amazing too!

Take a look at our 'Tips and Tricks' section if you'd like some more insight on this topic.

What Is Aeration?

This (sometimes known as soil de-compaction) is the process of mixing or circulating air with or through a substance. What does this mean to you? Well, in order to keep your plants health optimal, this is where aeration comes in. Through the years, the soil around the trunk of your tree or base of your shrubs gets compacted. Because of this, water is more likely to roll over this soil, instead of being absorbed, causing root dehydration, stunted growth, and possibly death.

You can manually aerate around your trees by fluffing up the soil to add air and space. As professionals however, we don't recommend doing it this way. You risk damaging the root systems of the plant, which could lead to infections and diseases.

​What we do is use special de-compaction tools, which shoot air into the soil, breaking up clumps and removing compaction in the process. Not only does this method create additional space for root growth, but it can also reveal potential vulnerabilities in the roots, which we can then address before it becomes a threat to the life of the tree.


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